Understanding ASCII: Converting Decimal to Text and Symbols

What is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)?

ASCII is one of the oldest and most widely used character encoding standards, designed in the early 1960s by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It represents text, control characters, and special symbols in computers and communication systems. ASCII assigns a unique 7-bit binary code (or 8 bits in extended ASCII) to each character, allowing computers to handle text-based data consistently.

ASCII was initially created for telecommunication systems and punched card data processing. It’s a way to map human-readable characters (like letters, numbers, punctuation marks) to binary numbers so that computers can store, manipulate, and transmit data.


Key Features of ASCII

v Character Set: ASCII consists of 128 characters in the original 7-bit standard, which include:

Ø Control characters (0-31): These are non-printing characters that control devices  (e.g., carriage return, line feed, tab).

Ø Printable characters (32-126): These include numbers (0-9), uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z) letters, punctuation marks (.,!?), and special symbols (@, #, $, etc.).

Ø Extended ASCII (128-255): This includes additional characters used in different languages, such as accented letters, graphical symbols, and more.

v 7-bit vs. 8-bit ASCII: The original ASCII was 7 bits, providing 128 characters. Extended ASCII uses 8 bits, allowing for 256 characters, supporting more symbols, accented characters, and other international characters.

v Binary Representation: Each ASCII character is represented as a 7 or 8-bit binary number. For example, the letter 'A' is represented in ASCII as 01000001, and the space character is 00100000.


Examples of Decimal to ASCII Conversion

Here’s how a few decimal values convert into ASCII characters:

v Decimal 65 → ASCII: A

Ø     The decimal value 65 corresponds to the uppercase letter 'A' in the ASCII table.

Ø     In binary: 01000001

v Decimal 97 → ASCII: a

Ø     The decimal value 97 corresponds to the lowercase letter 'a'.

Ø     In binary: 01100001

v Decimal 48 → ASCII: 0

Ø     The decimal value 48 corresponds to the digit '0'.

Ø     In binary: 00110000

v Decimal 32 → ASCII: Space character

Ø     The decimal value 32 corresponds to the space character in ASCII.

Ø     In binary: 00100000

v Decimal 36 → ASCII: $

Ø     The decimal value 36 corresponds to the dollar sign ($).

Ø     In binary: 00100100

v Decimal 13 → ASCII: Carriage Return (CR)

Ø     The decimal value 13 corresponds to the carriage return character, which is used to return the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Ø     In binary: 00001101

v Decimal 10 → ASCII: Line Feed (LF)

Ø     The decimal value 10 corresponds to the line feed (LF) character, which is used to move the cursor down to the next line.

Ø     In binary: 00001010


ASCII Encoding Table (Partial)

Here’s a small section of the ASCII table to help visualize how decimal values are mapped to characters:
































How ASCII is Used

ASCII encoding is used in various scenarios across computing, including:

v  Text Files and Data Storage: Text files such as .txt files often use ASCII to store text data. ASCII's simple and compact representation allows easy reading and editing by both humans and computers.

v  Programming: In many programming languages, string literals (sequences of characters) are often handled as ASCII-encoded data. For example, when you print "Hello" in most programming languages, each letter corresponds to its ASCII value.

v  Networking and Communication: ASCII is widely used in network protocols, such as HTTP, SMTP, and FTP, where text data is transmitted between computers. Email headers, URLs, and many command-line utilities also rely on ASCII.

v  Device Communication: Early printers, terminals, and telecommunication devices used ASCII to send and receive data in a format they could understand.


Extended ASCII (8-bit ASCII)

While the original ASCII only used 7 bits to encode characters, Extended ASCII uses 8 bits, providing a total of 256 possible characters. This allows for additional symbols, accented characters, and characters used in languages other than English.

For example:

v Decimal 128 → Extended ASCII: Ç (Capital C with cedilla)

Ø  In binary: 10000000

v Decimal 160 → Extended ASCII: Non-breaking space (used in HTML)

Ø  In binary: 10100000

Extended ASCII is often used for Western European languages that require accented characters, such as French, Spanish, and German.


ASCII vs. Unicode

While ASCII was revolutionary in its time, it has limitations, especially when dealing with international characters. ASCII can only handle 128 characters (or 256 in the extended version), which is insufficient for global language support. This is where Unicode comes in.

v  ASCII supports only 128-256 characters, primarily for English and Western European languages.

v  Unicode supports over 143,000 characters, covering scripts from languages around the world (e.g., Chinese, Arabic, Cyrillic, etc.).

Unicode includes ASCII as a subset, meaning that the first 128 characters in Unicode are the same as ASCII. However, Unicode can represent far more characters, making it the go-to encoding system for global applications today.



ASCII remains a fundamental encoding system in computing, particularly for handling text and symbols in a standardized manner. It is easy to understand and simple to implement, but as technology has evolved, more powerful encoding systems like Unicode have emerged to handle a global range of characters. Understanding how ASCII works and its limitations is key for working with text-based data and legacy systems.


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